World Building
I've been doing a lot of world building in my tiny head, so I thought maybe I should put pen to paper (or push a bunch of buttons) to get some of these ideas fleshed out and established. Right now it's just a bunch of jumbled thoughts but once I have enough coherent ones then I'll organize them more. The world is anthromorphic with heavy magik focus, but also includes super heroes and sci-fi elements. I typically end up calling the planet this universe takes place in Curth (ha ha, get it? It's like Earth but even dumber sounding, isn't that just sigh worthy humor?).
This is a loose timeline of how the world developed.
- Feral Era: Considered the earliest known recorded era as nomadic tribes start creating settlements.
- Mayn Era: Once interspecies socialization started, a religion was created to band tribes together.
- Behest Era: Starts after the collapse of the Mayn era, a new belief arrises to fill in the hole made by the lost of belief in the Mayn religion. This era survives long but due to polarizing idealogies and the eventual fall of the Citadel, the Behest belief loses its major control as a leading religion. (Behest still survives as a Modern Era religion though)
- War Era: Transitions straight from the Behest era, a war broke out that would change the dynamics of species relations. The Meavarians had to create a solution to prevent prey speices from being slaughtered for predator's food.
- Modern Era: The current era, and starts right after the end of the War era as prey no longer needed to be consumed for predators to survive thanks to the Meavarians. Interspecies relationships and individual identities/expressions begin to become prominent in this new era.